Wednesday, November 02, 2005

It has been a very eventful and blessed couple of weeks. On Monday night, October 24th we shared in our first communion together. It was a very spiritual and special time for our group. We literally gathered around the table together as we shared the representation of Jesus Christ's body and blood.

We also had two families join in the last week. Thank you Lord for continuing to bring laborers to the field. Diahn and Ron joined last week. Diahn feels called to be our worship leader and Ron feels led to be the treasurer at Mosaic. David and Linda joined at our community cook out and both of them have a real servant's heart.

Sunday night, October 30th, we had a community cook out. Many people from the community came and met the members and family of Mosaic Church. It was a wonderful time to meet people and introduce ourselves to the community. We feel it was very beneficial and a great beginning in the challenge to build trust and develop safe relationships.

The big news we have all been waiting on for three months is the funding issue from the Tennessee Baptist Convention. I received the phone call today and we have finally received our answer. The TBC has agreed to give Mosaic Community Church $2,000 a month for the first six months. After the first six months we were asked to resubmit a proposal on what has developed and what God is doing in our ministry. The leaders will then reevaluate the new proposal and make a decision at that time concerning future funding.

We are extremely excited and praise Almighty God who is the giver of all good gifts. He is our source for all resources and where He gives a vision, He gives provision. Thank you Jesus for allowing Mosaic Church to be a part of your kingdom work on earth as it is heaven.


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